North Preston Medical Practice


Important: Telephone outage 24/03/2025

Due to a national IT outage, our practice is experiencing disruptions with our telephone system, resulting in patients being unable to contact the practice by telephone. For urgent advice, contact NHS 111, or 999 in an emergency. 

We apologise for the inconvenience. 


If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online.

Pharmacy first

Patients can now get treatment for seven common conditions directly from their local pharmacy, without the need for a GP appointment or prescription.

NHS 111

If you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next.


Find out how to access NHS mental health services and where to get urgent help.

Practice News

How did we do?

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It's a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.

You can submit your response using the following link below.