Latest News 2024-25

Patient Newsletter

The first edition of our patient newsletter has been released! 

Head to our Newsletters section on the right hand side of this page to view it. 

Published on 23rd Sep 2024

Childhood Immunisations

One of the best ways to protect children from getting seriously ill from preventable diseases, like whooping cough and measles, is to make sure they're up to date with all their routine vaccinations. Not sure? Check their Red Book or contact the practice. 

Click here to learn more about NHS vaccinations and when to have them. 


Published on 20th Sep 2024

COVID-19 & Flu Vaccinations

Patients who are eligible for the flu and covid vaccinations are currently being contacted to schedule their vaccinations. Please keep an eye out for text messages and phone calls from the practice.

To learn more about the vaccinations, click the links below. 

Published on 2nd Sep 2024

RSV Vaccination Programme

Have your RSV vaccine to protect you!

The RSV vaccine helps protect against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common virus that can make babies and older adults seriously ill. 

Each year in the UK, RSV accounts for around 30,000 hospitalisations in children aged under 5 and is responsible for 20 to 30 infant deaths. It also causes around 9,000 hospital admissions in those aged over 75. The RSV programme could free up thousands of hospital bed days and help to avoid hundreds of deaths each year.

We are delighted to inform you that invitations for the RSV vaccine will be sent to our patients soon. Our team is currently planning clinics and ensuring adequate vaccine stock levels. We kindly ask you to wait until you receive an invitation before reaching out to the practice. Click the linl below to learn more about the RSV vaccination.


Published on 2nd Sep 2024

Demolition Work

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the demolition work at our Ingol Health Centre, which has led to disruptions. While we are thrilled to witness this progress, we acknowledge the inconvenience it may cause to our patients. Our reception has been temporarily moved to the front of the building.

We can't wait to provide you with an update of what's been happening behind the scenes! 

Published on 22nd Aug 2024

Lift Fault

Regrettably, we are experiencing technical difficulties with the lift at Broadway Surgery, rendering it inoperable. Kindly inform us when scheduling an appointment if you are unable to utilise the stairs. We will make every effort to schedule your appointment on the ground floor. 

Published on 30th Jul 2024


In light of the ongoing renovations at Ingol Health Centre, in order to ensure the well-being and safety of our patients, most clinics have been relocated to our Broadway Surgery.

We kindly request your cooperation and understanding when scheduling appointments.

Published on 24th Jul 2024

NPMP Introduces Medii App!

Exciting news!
We are thrilled to introduce the innovative Medii app for patients at our practice with intellectual disabilities and autism.
This App has been fully funded and is aimed at improving the well-being of people with learning disabilities where it will become the person’s personal digital diary. Medical, social and mental well-being can be recorded simply in this App. It includes many other features such as keeping a health passport and storing hospital letters.
Watch the video below for more details! 

Published on 23rd Jul 2024

Vaccinations in Pregnancy

Young babies with whooping cough are often very unwell and at highest risk of severe complications, such as pneumonia and permanent brain damage. Sadly, in the first quarter of 2024 (January - March), five infants died from whooping cough.

If you are pregnant, you can help protect your baby by getting the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine. Vaccination during pregnancy boosts your antibodies which are then passed to your baby to help protect them from the day they are born.

You will normally receive your whooping cough vaccine around the time of your mid-pregnancy scan (usually 20 weeks) but you can receive it from 16 weeks. If you have reached 20 weeks of pregnancy and have not yet been offered the whooping cough vaccine, please ask your midwife or GP practice.

Published on 22nd Jul 2024

Patient Participation Group 2024-25

Your assistance is needed! 

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) gives patients a direct voice to influence decisions made by the Practice about patient services and care. It also helps the practice share information.

Sadly, since COVID-19, reviving our PPG has posed a challenge. However, with our new deputy practice manager now in post, we are delighted to announce that our planning for the PPG is back on track. 

If you are interested in becoming a member of the PPG, please complete this form

Published on 22nd Jul 2024

Community-based Initiatives!

Increasing numbers of people are at risk of  developing frailty.

GP practices and communities are joining forces to aid those at risk of frailty in maintaining good health in the comfort of their homes or community. This collaborative effort aims to help individuals steer clear of unnecessary visits to A&E and guide them towards recovery post-hospitalisation. 

We have curated a topic page focusing on community-based initiatives established to support individuals within our local community. 

If you know of any community-based initiatives that are taking place, please email

Published on 22nd Jul 2024

Parking updates

Ingol Health Centre: As a result of the exciting ongoing building enhancements at Ingol Health Centre, the car park may be occasionally inaccessible in the coming months. Patients can utilise the adjacent car park during this period. Please also note that outside the entrance is a bay with double yellow lines, please ensure you do not park here - this will result in a parking ticket from the local Council. 

Broadway Surgery: We have been advised that patients parking on the adjacent car park, which is owned by the businesses occupying 333 Garstang Road (Sole & Beauty, AM1 Hair, Ginger Bistro and Another Boquet), will be issued with a £100 parking ticket, which will be reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days. 

We want to make it clear that we had no influence in this decision, which has been taken by the above named businesses in order to try and protect their private land. Therefore, we are unable to take on any patient complaints regarding tickets that are issued. We would strongly urge patients to park on local residential roads in permissible area. 

Published on 28th Jun 2024