Clinics We Offer

INR Clinics
On a Monday at Ingol Health Centre, our nursing team run an INR clinic between 8am - 12pm. INR testing is for patients taking anticoagulant medication who require regular monitoring to ensure their INR levels are in good range. The nursing team will take a finger prick blood test which will determine your INR level. To book an appointment please contact the surgery.

Cervical Screening
We currently recommend that women should have routine screening every 3 or 5 years depending on age. These are usually carried out by the practice nurse. For more information on Cervical Screening, click here.
Cervical Screening appointments are also available via our weekend hub clinics. Please speak to reception for further information.
Child Development Clinic
The baby clinic is held every Wednesday between 13:00 and 16:00 at the Ingol Health Centre. All childhood immunisations are given in this clinic.

Family Planning Services
We offer a range of contraceptive advice and services during routine surgeries.
Dr Rangaswamy is also able to offer Coil Fitting and Implanon insertions/removals. All contraception appointments need to be preceded with an appointment with Dr Rangaswamy.
You can find more information on this clinic by clicking here.
Maternity & Ante-Natal Clinic
All the partners offer maternity care during routine surgeries. The community midwives no longer visit the surgery to run clinics. If you are newly pregnant click here for information on self-referring to the midwives.

We strongly recommend all children are kept fully vaccinated. In addition all adults are encouraged to keep routine vaccinations updated.
Click here for the recommended NHS schedule.
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
You can use the following template to record your own blood pressure readings at home.

NHS Health Checks
If you are over 40 and do not currently have an annual review for a chronic disease, you will be written to inviting you to attend an NHS Health Check. More information on the NHS Health Check can be found here.

Chronic Disease Management
Our nursing team run clinics for patients with conditions such as diabetes, asthma, COPD & hypertension. All patients with these conditions will be invited to attend an appointment with a nurse annually. The nurse will review your condition, suggest any lifestyle changes which could help and review any medications you are on.

Minor Surgery
A variety of surgical procedures are performed after assessment by the doctor. Joint injections are carried out by most of our doctors. Dr Rangaswamy also carries out excisions. The minor surgery clinic runs once a month and as there is a waiting list we will contact you to schedule the appointment rather than you booking directly.